BKEX Chain Price (BKK) Rank #- $ 0.099348 (USD) -52.52702%

BKEX Chain (BKK) price graph

What is BKEX Chain (BKK) ?

BKK is the token issued by BKEX. The entire issued BKK base equates to the overall ownership of BKEX trading platform which adopts an innovative “Trans-Fee Mining” model. The total number of issued BKKs is set at 165 million and will never increase. BKEX, the platform, will allocate all transaction fee income to BKK holders in a timely manner.. At the same time, BKK holders have certain rights in governing the BKEX community.

What is the current price of BKEX Chain (BKK) ?

The recent BKEX Chain (BKK) price today is $0.099348 USD. We update our BKK to USD on frequent basis. The current BKEX Chain situation is down -52.52702% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #-. BKEX Chain has a circulating supply of 0.0 BKK.