Blox Blox CDT
Blox Price (CDT) Rank #262 $ 0.222874 (USD) -1.48098%

Blox (CDT) price graph

What is Blox (CDT) ?

Blox is an open-source, fully non-custodial staking platform for Ethereum 2.0. The platform serves as an easy and accessible way to stake Ether and earn rewards on Eth2, while ensuring participants retain complete control over their private keys. Our goal at Blox is to simplify staking while ensuring Ethereum stays fair and decentralized.

What is the current price of Blox (CDT) ?

The recent Blox (CDT) price today is $0.222874 USD. We update our CDT to USD on frequent basis. The current Blox situation is down -1.48098% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #262. Blox has a circulating supply of 674,579,184.17 CDT.