ChoccySwap ChoccySwap CCY
ChoccySwap Price (CCY) Rank #- $ 0.013391 (USD) +5.04629%

ChoccySwap (CCY) price graph

What is ChoccySwap (CCY) ?

ChoccySwap is the first decentralized exchange on Chromia. Based on Uniswap V2, ChoccySwap lets you exchange any FT3 asset on the Chromia blockchain. You can vote on our governance platform using the CCY token.

What is the current price of ChoccySwap (CCY) ?

The recent ChoccySwap (CCY) price today is $0.013391 USD. We update our CCY to USD on frequent basis. The current ChoccySwap situation is up 5.04629% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #-. ChoccySwap has a circulating supply of 0.0 CCY.