Frost Frost FROST
Frost Price (FROST) Rank #- $ 0.071748 (USD) +0.0%

Frost (FROST) price graph

What is Frost (FROST) ?

The $FROST algorithmic token serves as the backbone of a rapidly growing ecosystem aimed towards bringing liquidity and new use cases to the Avalanche network, called Frozen Capital. The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts $FROST's supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of $AVAX to maintain a peg of 100 FROST = 1 AVAX in the long run. Inspired by Tomb Finance, is a multi-token protocol which consists of the following three tokens: FROST ($FROST), Frost Shares ($FSHARE) and Frost Bonds ($FBOND)

What is the current price of Frost (FROST) ?

The recent Frost (FROST) price today is $0.071748 USD. We update our FROST to USD on frequent basis. The current Frost situation is up 0.0% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #-. Frost has a circulating supply of 0.0 FROST coins and a max supply of 90,000,000.0 FROST coins.