Govi Govi GOVI
Govi Price (GOVI) Rank #1,624 $ 0.235517 (USD) -9.48516%

Govi (GOVI) price graph

What is Govi (GOVI) ?

$GOVI token is a governance token for CVI protocol and platform. CVI is a decentralized volatility index for the crypto space, powered by COTI network. Holders of $GOVI will vote on CVI key matters such as the tradable assets, leverage used, deposit amounts, platform fees and more

What is the current price of Govi (GOVI) ?

The recent Govi (GOVI) price today is $0.235517 USD. We update our GOVI to USD on frequent basis. The current Govi situation is down -9.48516% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #1624. Govi has a circulating supply of 15,439,655.0 GOVI coins and a max supply of 32,000,000.0 GOVI coins.