Indexed Finance Indexed Finance NDX
Indexed Finance Price (NDX) Rank #3,571 $ 0.009457 (USD) -1.76303%

Indexed Finance (NDX) price graph

What is Indexed Finance (NDX) ?

Indexed Finance is a project focused on the development of passive portfolio management strategies for the Ethereum network. Indexed Finance is managed by the holders of its governance token NDX, which is used to vote on proposals for protocol updates and high level index management such as the definition of market sectors and the creation of new management strategies.

What is the current price of Indexed Finance (NDX) ?

The recent Indexed Finance (NDX) price today is $0.009457 USD. We update our NDX to USD on frequent basis. The current Indexed Finance situation is down -1.76303% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #3571. Indexed Finance has a circulating supply of 3,446,069.9195581744 NDX coins and a max supply of 10,000,000.0 NDX coins.