Poollotto.finance Poollotto.finance PLT
Poollotto.finance Price (PLT) Rank #836 $ 1.45 (USD) +1.1592%

Poollotto.finance (PLT) price graph

What is Poollotto.finance (PLT) ?

"Poollotto Token (PLT) is a new generation of lottery token-based smart contracts for non-centralized management of the global community-driven lottery pools, automated and safe payments. The PLT Token project was launched to create a blockchain platform and token economy that gives transparency and fair outcomes to users around the globe. At the same time, token distribution is defined to provide a required level of development, promotion, and support of the PLT Ecosystem. "

What is the current price of Poollotto.finance (PLT) ?

The recent Poollotto.finance (PLT) price today is $1.45 USD. We update our PLT to USD on frequent basis. The current Poollotto.finance situation is up 1.1592% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #836. Poollotto.finance has a circulating supply of 14,969,974.744564982 PLT.