Shard Coin Shard Coin SHARD
Shard Coin Price (SHARD) Rank #2,905 $ 0.006487 (USD) +0.67353%

Shard Coin (SHARD) price graph

What is Shard Coin (SHARD) ?

Shard is a new proof-of-stake (PoS) cryptocurrency launched with the purpose to provide easy access to investing in the wider cryptocurrency area, without the knowledge or time required to do so.

What is the current price of Shard Coin (SHARD) ?

The recent Shard Coin (SHARD) price today is $0.006487 USD. We update our SHARD to USD on frequent basis. The current Shard Coin situation is up 0.67353% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #2905. Shard Coin has a circulating supply of 30,750,491.470385388 SHARD.