Swap Swap XWP
Swap Price (XWP) Rank #3,156 $ 0.003522 (USD) +2.29354%

Swap (XWP) price graph

What is Swap (XWP) ?

A community developed crypto coin striving for robust privacy, ecosystem fairness, full transparency, secure blockchain, and easy use. Swap was created without a pre-mine, governance fees, or founders rewards. It has a custom 15 second block time and is the first CryptoNote coin using a Cuckoo Cycle variant as PoW algorithm, Cuckaroo29s.

What is the current price of Swap (XWP) ?

The recent Swap (XWP) price today is $0.003522 USD. We update our XWP to USD on frequent basis. The current Swap situation is up 2.29354% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #3156. Swap has a circulating supply of 16,825,588.5096569 XWP coins and a max supply of 18,400,000.0 XWP coins.