Tenset Tenset 10SET
Tenset Price (10SET) Rank #374 $ 0.558783 (USD) +4.24925%

Tenset (10SET) price graph

What is Tenset (10SET) ?

10set token has been launched in January 2021, using Ethereum erc20 protocol. It's a new generation etf 2.0 deflationary token with a smart staking system, that bridges cryptocurrencies with the stock market. Tenset adds a 2% transaction fee to every transfer. Half of the fee is burned creating a deflationary effect and another half is automatically distributed to all token holders. No need to freeze it or hold it any special wallet.

What is the current price of Tenset (10SET) ?

The recent Tenset (10SET) price today is $0.558783 USD. We update our 10SET to USD on frequent basis. The current Tenset situation is up 4.24925% in last 24 hours. The current grepget rank is #374. Tenset has a circulating supply of 167,306,761.1 10SET coins and a max supply of 167,306,771.1 10SET coins.